A fish swimming in the water with its mouth open.

Introduction to Grants

The Oregon Council of Fly Fishers International (ORCFFI) has funds budgeted to help FFI member clubs & other non-profit .org conduct conservation and club grant projects directed at the restoration, improvement, and/or maintenance of environmental conditions that enhance the habitat of Oregon fish and fisheries or general needs of the club or organization.


The ORCFFI Grant Chair & Council President will make every effort to communicate efficiently with ORCFFI member clubs. All correspondence and communication regarding applications to the ORCFFI for all grant funding must flow through the Council President & Grant Chairperson of the ORCFFI. Applicants and potential applicants for grant funding are strongly encouraged to contact the current Chairperson for guidance before submitting an application. Funding decisions by the ORCFFI Council President & Grant Chair are final after their approval by the BOD of the ORCFFI. Unsuccessful grant applications will be anonymously critiqued by Council executive BOD. The unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to resubmit revised, improved applications where this is appropriate. In most cases, funding from the ORCFFI will be available shortly after the funding decision date.

A group of people sitting at tables with food.

Application Forms

Application fillable forms will be emailed upon request to FFI clubs or nonprofit organizations for their use when applying for ORCFFI grants.

Criteria for Evaluation of Applications

Each application will be judged primarily by the Chair & Council President's best estimate of its potential impact on fish and their habitat and the cost-effectiveness of the proposed project or any club needs that are needed to help the club reach their goals. A. A major influence on such an evaluation is the evaluation of the significance of the problem/issue to be addressed. B. A major consideration will be how effectively and completely the proposed project will address that problem/issue. C. Another important consideration is an estimation of the likelihood that the proposed project will be completed as planned and achieve its stated goals. D. The cost-effectiveness of the project will have a major bearing on its evaluation. E. The timeliness of the proposed project should be evident from a clear schedule for its execution and an estimated realistic completion date.

A man and two children sitting at a table.
A brown trout being held by someone in the water.

Mechanics of Prioritization of Funding

The money available to fund grant projects is necessarily limited, and applications must be evaluated and ranked for priority for funding. Unfortunately, there are times when worthwhile projects cannot be funded.

Reporting Requirements

It is the fiduciary duty of the ORCFFI to exercise due diligence in the management of its funding of projects. To that end, it is required that the individual indicated in the application as the responsible party for that funded project submit a final written report to ORCFFI upon completion of the project. When projects cannot be completed as planned, the Grant Chairperson must be notified, and a written report must be filed. All unexpended funds must be returned to the ORCFFI and are not available for use by that member club for other purposes. When all reporting requirements are met, the club will be eligible to apply for another grant as funds are available.

A man and woman at an event talking to each other.
A group of people sitting at a table with food.

Grant Opportunities

Below is a list of suggested grant projects:

  • Conservation Projects to Protect and Enhance Fish and Fisheries in Oregon.
  • Conservation and Fly Fishing Education.
  • Club Projects That Will Help With the Mission of the Club and /or the Orcffi Mission.
  • Club Presentation Expenses for Presenters or Instructors.
  • Club Equipment–Education Programs (Rods, Reels, Line, Tying Vises, Computer, Software or Hardware).