Oregon Council Awards Program
Each year, the Oregon Council presents awards to deserving individuals and clubs. In the past the awards have been presented at the banquet at the NW Fly Tying and Flyfishing Expo. Beginning this year, we will be presenting the awards at our annual meeting in December. The deadline for nominations has been moved until the 1st of September. All nominations can be submitted by email to Keith Burkhart at [email protected] for review and distribution to the Board of Directors. Be sure to include the nominee's contact information in the submissions.
Awards Program Criteria & Procedures
The Oregon Council Awards Program is a means to recognize the accomplishments of members of the Oregon Council for outstanding efforts during the past year. The awards will be presented annually at the Northwest Fly Tying and Fly Fishing Expo. The program consists of the five awards and criteria listed below.
FLYFISHER OF THE YEAR – Given annually to the individual who has demonstrated unusual devotion to the Oregon Council and, through outstanding contributions, has benefitted the Oregon Council and the Federation as an international organization.
- A minimum of three years of membership and service to the Council is required.
- Service should be voluntary.
- The individual should not have previously won the award.
- The award should be for achievements that are council-wide in scope.
- Continuing service is of prime importance. Therefore, consideration generally should be weighted 70% for cumulative service and 30% for achievements in the past year.
- Devotion and contributions to the Council should be consistent with Council and IFFF objectives and be superior to those other candidates.
All nominations are to be submitted to the Council Awards Chair. Final decisions are to be made by the Council Executive Board.
CLUB OF THE YEAR – An award is given annually to the Oregon Council Club which has made the most outstanding contributions on behalf of the Oregon Council.
- Must be a member of a club with at least three years of continuous affiliation.
- Award should be based on cumulative service, but significant activities in the past year are important. A ratio of 70% past years to 30% present year should serve as a guideline but not be restrictive.
- Activities and services performed should be primarily on behalf of the Council. Those functions may have as their primary outlet another organization, but ultimately benefiting the Council should be of secondary consideration.
- Outstanding contributions are those that are conspicuous in relation to others – consistent contributions over a period of time. Contributions should be defined as those acts that fall within the scope of (insert reference to Council Bylaws)
All nominations are to be submitted to the Council Awards Chair. Final decisions are to be made by the Council Executive Board.
STAN WALTERS MEMORIAL FLY TYER OF THE YEAR – An award given annually to that person who has made significant contributions to the art of fly tying.
- Must be an IFFF member in good standing.
- Can be an amateur or professional. (This is a difficult area. What an amateur does out of sheer love and enjoyment is what a professional must do to make a living. Nevertheless, it is often the professional who, through their skills, offers more to the advancement of the art. Therefore, it will be necessary to make some judgment on intent. Obviously, if the primary intent is to teach and share knowledge, it should merit serious consideration.)
- Advancement of the art can be on the local or regional level.
- Participation in the Council is not a prerequisite, but any activity that benefits the Council should be highly regarded.
- Achievements and contributions should promote the advancement of the arts, and qualifications should be superior to those of other candidates.
All nominations are to be submitted to the Council Awards Chair. Nominations will be forwarded to the Northwest Fly Tying Expo Tying Chair. The Tying Chair along with his committee of two others, will forward their recommendations to the Awards Chair. Final decisions are to be made by the Council Executive Board.
FRANK MOORE CONSERVATION AWARD – An award is given to an individual, group, or organization that has made extraordinary contributions to the conservation of our fisheries resources. The criteria are as follows:
- The individual, group, or organization need not be affiliated with the Oregon Council of the IFFF.
- Individuals, clubs, groups, organizations, and state departments or agencies are eligible for this award.
- This award should be based on a single outstanding contribution or on a continuous prominent effort promoting conservation.
- The individual, group, or organization should have not previously won the award.
- The award need not be an annual award but would be given on an “as merited” basis.
- Extraordinary contributions are those that are superior and conspicuous in relation to others and consistent with the philosophies of the Oregon Council.
All nominations are to be submitted to the Council Awards Chair and routed to the Council VP of Conservation for evaluation and recommendation. Final decisions are to be made by the Council Executive Board.
POLLY ROSBOROUGH LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – Established in 1993, this is an award presented to an individual who has shown unusual devotion and has made outstanding contributions to the Oregon Council, its member clubs, and fly fishers in general.
- Must be a member in good standing of the IFFF.
- A minimum of ten years’ service is required.
- The nominee must meet one or more of the following criteria:
- It has promoted the sport of fly fishing and enhanced the knowledge and ability of other fly fishers.
- Has devoted energy to youth education activities to help the next generation of fly fishers.
- Has made significant contributions to the preservation and enhancement of fishery resources.
- Is a proven teacher in the arts and sciences of fly fishing.
- Has shown unusual devotion to the Oregon Council and, through outstanding contributions, has benefited the Oregon Council as an organization.
- To preserve the integrity of this award, it is recommended that it be awarded judiciously and infrequently, but it is not intended that the frequency stipulation deprive truly deserving individuals of it.
- Nominations to be made to the Oregon Council President and require a two-thirds majority vote of the entire Board of Directors.
Achievement in Fly Casting -
This award is presented to individuals who have made significant, long-term contributions to fly casting education. Contributions may include teaching, innovation in fly casting techniques, writing, motivation and sharing their knowledge of teaching to advance the goals of the Fly-Casting Program.
Oregon Council FFI Lifetime Achievement in Fly Casting Education Award
This award is presented to individuals who have made significant, long-term contributions to fly casting education. Contributions may include teaching, innovation in fly casting techniques, writing, motivation and sharing their knowledge of teaching to advance the goals of the Fly-Casting Education Program.