Class Instructor Information
Want to lean to cast or need a tune up? Sign-up for a coaching work session with a Casting Instructor. This is one of the best values at the Expo. Equipment needed – for Spey Classes 2 handed rod. For single hand casting class bring your 5 wt. rod. We have a 5wt for you to use.
Jon Connelly
Jon Connelly is an Fly Fishers International (FFI) Certified Master Casting Instructor (MCI) and Two-Handed Master Casting Instructor (THMCI) who lives in Oregon. When not fly casting, Jon likes to fish his home waters of the Clackamas, Sandy, and Deschutes rivers. He currently serves as Casting Coordinator and Casting Chair on the FFI Oregon Council and is also an active member of the Elbow Droppers fly casting group based in Salem, Oregon. [email protected]

Dwight “Klem” Klemin
Dwight “Klem” Klemin is an Fly Fishers International (FFI) Certified Master Casting Instructor (MCI) and Two-Handed Master Casting Instructor (THMCI) who lives in Oregon. Dwight has been the recipient of numerous awards over his casting career which include Mentor Of The Year award in 2014 and Mel Krieger Mentor award in 2022 by the FFI Casting Board of Governors as well as Federator of the Year award from the Oregon Council in 2008. In addition to his awards, he is the Founder and CEO of the Elbow Droppers fly casting group located in Salem, Oregon. Over the past 22 years, Dwight has been the driving force in promoting weekly casting training sessions for individuals interested in developing fly casting skills and certification training. [email protected]
James Gruetzman [email protected]
Al Buhr [email protected]
Beth Jappay is a retired physician and an FFI certified casting instructor. She will explain the “five essentials” of casting using the video analysis tools in the OnForm coaching app.